- FACT: Average global temperatures increased by about 1 degree Fahrenheit over the 20th century.
- This is true but the temperature is always changing, THE CLIMATE IS ALWAYS CHANGING, and this is only over the 20th century, if you look at the entire history of the planet you will notice that there is a cycle
- FACT: The United States contains only 5 percent of the world's population, but contributes 22 percent of the world's carbon emissions.
- This is true as well however the other places with higher populations are usually third world countries, and Co2 is not the problem! There is no scientific proof that co2 is the cause for the earth to be warming up, and we all breath out Co2.
- FACT: 15 percent of carbon emissions come from deforestation and land use change.
- Again Co2 is not the problem!
- FACT: The Golden Toad (Bufo periglenes) is thought to be the first species to go extinct because of climate change.
- Lot's of animals go extinct because the climate changes all the time! And how can this be a fact if they say that it is "thought to be" extinct because of climate change? Animals can go extinct without human interference as well as with interference. If the Golden toad went extinct because of what humans did, it was definitely not climate change that made it extinct, more than likely it was pollution, or some other real problem.
- FACT: Personal cars and trucks in the United States emit 20 percent of the United States' carbon emissions.
- Again with the Co2...
- FACT: Air conditioning and heating account for almost half of electricity use in the average American home.
- So? We can create electricity with Solar power,hydro wind, etc... it can be renewable
- FACT: Climate change is linked to stronger hurricanes, more drought and increased coral deaths from bleaching.
- Again this is true as the climate changes so do the storms, however not human related in anyway, and as I have said before climate does not stay the same forever!
- FACT: Climate change is linked to an increase in disease-carrying pests that lead to the increased spread of diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, lyme disease and West Nile virus.
- Again this is true, not going to repeat my self...
All of these facts are true, however they are being used in the wrong context...
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